National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

CVE-2023-21414 (axis_os)

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2023-10-20 20:11:28

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NCC Group has found a flaw during the annual internal penetration test ordered by Axis Communications. The protection for device tampering (commonly known as Secure Boot) contains a flaw which provides an opportunity for a sophisticated attack to bypass this protection. Axis has released patched AXIS OS versions for the highlighted flaw. Please refer to the Axis security advisory for more information and solution.

CVE-2023-21414 (axis_os)
NCC Group has found a flaw during the annual internal penetration test ordered by Axis Communications. The protection for device tampering (commonly known as Secure Boot) contains a flaw which provides an opportunity for a sophisticated attack to bypass this protection. Axis has released patched AXIS OS versions for the highlighted flaw. Please refer to the Axis security advisory for more information and solution.

Source: CVEAnnouncements
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