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Baidu's stock drops 10%+ after an SCMP report linked Ernie Bot, which Baidu said amassed 100M+ users four months after its launch, to Chinese mil

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2024-01-15 18:02:44
Cybersecurity Business , Shooting the breeze / off-topic

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Baidu's stock drops 10%+ after an SCMP report linked Ernie Bot, which Baidu said amassed 100M+ users four months after its launch, to Chinese military research  —  - Traders cited an SCMP report about an alleged military tieup  — The US and China are in a conflict over technology such as AI


Baidu's stock drops 10%+ after an SCMP report linked Ernie Bot, which Baidu said amassed 100M+ users four months after its launch, to Chinese military research  —  - Traders cited an SCMP report about an alleged military tieup  — The US and China are in a conflict over technology such as AI

Source: TechMeme
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Cybersecurity Business
Shooting the breeze / off-topic

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