Zheping Huang / Bloomberg:
Tencent's Lightspeed LA studio reveals Last Sentinel, an ambitious console game by GTA veteran Steve Martin and part of Tencent's push to create IP from scratch — - Lightspeed LA reveals ‘Last Sentinel’ at The Game Awards — AAA game sets the stage in a futuristic, cyberpunk Tokyo
Zheping Huang / Bloomberg:
Tencent's Lightspeed LA studio reveals Last Sentinel, an ambitious console game by GTA veteran Steve Martin and part of Tencent's push to create IP from scratch — - Lightspeed LA reveals ‘Last Sentinel’ at The Game Awards — AAA game sets the stage in a futuristic, cyberpunk Tokyo
Source: TechMeme
Source Link: http://www.techmeme.com/231208/p25#a231208p25