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Q&A with Bluesky CEO Jay Graber about opening the service to the public, not "enshittifying" it with ads, crowdsourcing deepfake porn mo

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2024-02-11 00:00:21

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Kate Knibbs / Wired:

Q&A with Bluesky CEO Jay Graber about opening the service to the public, not “enshittifying” it with ads, crowdsourcing deepfake porn moderation, and more  —  WIRED spoke with Bluesky CEO Jay Graber about the X competitor opening sign-ups to all, how to crowdsource deepfake porn moderation, Jack Dorsey, and more.

Kate Knibbs / Wired:

Q&A with Bluesky CEO Jay Graber about opening the service to the public, not “enshittifying” it with ads, crowdsourcing deepfake porn moderation, and more  —  WIRED spoke with Bluesky CEO Jay Graber about the X competitor opening sign-ups to all, how to crowdsource deepfake porn moderation, Jack Dorsey, and more.

Source: TechMeme
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