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Nvidia unveils the Earth-2 platform, letting users create AI-powered climate simulations ranging from global atmospheric conditions to local weather p

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2024-03-18 21:51:19
Developers , Shooting the breeze / off-topic , Breach

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Dean Takahashi / VentureBeat:

Nvidia unveils the Earth-2 platform, letting users create AI-powered climate simulations ranging from global atmospheric conditions to local weather phenomena  —  Nvidia unveiled Earth-2 Cloud Platform for predicting climate change across the entire planet, using simulation by AI supercomputers.

Dean Takahashi / VentureBeat:

Nvidia unveils the Earth-2 platform, letting users create AI-powered climate simulations ranging from global atmospheric conditions to local weather phenomena  —  Nvidia unveiled Earth-2 Cloud Platform for predicting climate change across the entire planet, using simulation by AI supercomputers.

Source: TechMeme
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