National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Substack wants to be seen as a pure infrastructure provider, akin to Cloudflare, but a platform can't claim to be simple software when it recomme

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2024-01-05 02:33:32
Developers , Blue Team (CND)

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Casey Newton / Platformer:

Substack wants to be seen as a pure infrastructure provider, akin to Cloudflare, but a platform can't claim to be simple software when it recommends content  —  Some thoughts on platforms and Nazis  —  Most days, this column looks at controversies unfolding on other tech platforms.

Casey Newton / Platformer:

Substack wants to be seen as a pure infrastructure provider, akin to Cloudflare, but a platform can't claim to be simple software when it recommends content  —  Some thoughts on platforms and Nazis  —  Most days, this column looks at controversies unfolding on other tech platforms.

Source: TechMeme
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