National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Instagram served salacious Reels, including risqué videos, next to big brand ads to test accounts that follow only young gymnasts, cheerlea

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2023-11-27 14:22:34
Privacy , Breach

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Wall Street Journal:

Instagram served salacious Reels, including risqué videos, next to big brand ads to test accounts that follow only young gymnasts, cheerleaders, and influencers  —  Content served to WSJ test accounts included risqué footage of kids, overtly sexual adult videos and ads from major brands

Wall Street Journal:

Instagram served salacious Reels, including risqué videos, next to big brand ads to test accounts that follow only young gymnasts, cheerleaders, and influencers  —  Content served to WSJ test accounts included risqué footage of kids, overtly sexual adult videos and ads from major brands

Source: TechMeme
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