National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

A profile of, and interview with, tech YouTuber Marques Brownlee on how he changed tech gadget reviews, business strategy, reaching 17.7M subscribers,

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2023-11-14 14:46:20

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Harry McCracken / Fast Company:

A profile of, and interview with, tech YouTuber Marques Brownlee on how he changed tech gadget reviews, business strategy, reaching 17.7M subscribers, and more  —  Marques Brownlee has rewired the way people shop for gadgets—and how companies sell them.  Inside the humble workshop …

Harry McCracken / Fast Company:

A profile of, and interview with, tech YouTuber Marques Brownlee on how he changed tech gadget reviews, business strategy, reaching 17.7M subscribers, and more  —  Marques Brownlee has rewired the way people shop for gadgets—and how companies sell them.  Inside the humble workshop …

Source: TechMeme
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