National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Worldcoin now supports World ID integrations with Minecraft, Reddit, Telegram, Shopify, and Mercado Libre, on top of Discord and others, and debuts Wo

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2023-12-13 16:32:11
Blue Team (CND)

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Jacquelyn Melinek / TechCrunch:

Worldcoin now supports World ID integrations with Minecraft, Reddit, Telegram, Shopify, and Mercado Libre, on top of Discord and others, and debuts World ID 2.0  —  Expands offer eye-scanning verification services to Mexico and Singapore  —  Worldcoin, a crypto project co-founded by Sam Altman …

Jacquelyn Melinek / TechCrunch:

Worldcoin now supports World ID integrations with Minecraft, Reddit, Telegram, Shopify, and Mercado Libre, on top of Discord and others, and debuts World ID 2.0  —  Expands offer eye-scanning verification services to Mexico and Singapore  —  Worldcoin, a crypto project co-founded by Sam Altman …

Source: TechMeme
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Blue Team (CND)

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