National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

China says Tesla will deploy an OTA update to fix Autopilot issues in 1.6M+ cars, or almost all of its cars ever sold in China, after a US recall in D

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2024-01-05 14:41:10
Blue Team (CND)

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China says Tesla will deploy an OTA update to fix Autopilot issues in 1.6M+ cars, or almost all of its cars ever sold in China, after a US recall in December  —  - Carmaker will deploy over-the-air software upgrade to cars  — Move mirrors recall of 2 million vehicles in the US last month


China says Tesla will deploy an OTA update to fix Autopilot issues in 1.6M+ cars, or almost all of its cars ever sold in China, after a US recall in December  —  - Carmaker will deploy over-the-air software upgrade to cars  — Move mirrors recall of 2 million vehicles in the US last month

Source: TechMeme
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