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Snowflake announces Arctic, an LLM optimized for enterprise tasks such as SQL generation, coding, and instruction following, with an Apache 2.0 licens

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2024-04-25 04:25:08

Shubham Sharma / VentureBeat:

Snowflake announces Arctic, an LLM optimized for enterprise tasks such as SQL generation, coding, and instruction following, with an Apache 2.0 license  —  Today, Snowflake announced the launch of Arctic, a large language model (LLM) optimized for complex enterprise workloads such as SQL generation …

Shubham Sharma / VentureBeat:

Snowflake announces Arctic, an LLM optimized for enterprise tasks such as SQL generation, coding, and instruction following, with an Apache 2.0 license  —  Today, Snowflake announced the launch of Arctic, a large language model (LLM) optimized for complex enterprise workloads such as SQL generation …

Source: TechMeme
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