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US v. Google: Microsoft says the company has tried for years to displace Google as the iPhone's default search engine, but Apple never seriously

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2023-09-27 20:24:25
Blue Team (CND) , General News , Policy / Governance

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Leah Nylen / Bloomberg:

US v. Google: Microsoft says the company has tried for years to displace Google as the iPhone's default search engine, but Apple never seriously considered Bing  —  - Executive testifies Microsoft sought browser switch for years  — ‘Apple is making more money on Bing existing than Bing does’

Leah Nylen / Bloomberg:

US v. Google: Microsoft says the company has tried for years to displace Google as the iPhone's default search engine, but Apple never seriously considered Bing  —  - Executive testifies Microsoft sought browser switch for years  — ‘Apple is making more money on Bing existing than Bing does’

Source: TechMeme
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