National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Interviews with 20 current and former Meta and Google staff say FTC consent decrees sometimes blocked misuse, but the agreements are now outdated and

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2023-12-20 16:24:43
Blue Team (CND)

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Paresh Dave / Wired:

Interviews with 20 current and former Meta and Google staff say FTC consent decrees sometimes blocked misuse, but the agreements are now outdated and inadequate  —  Google's doomed social network Buzz led US regulators to force Google and Meta to monitor their own data use.

Paresh Dave / Wired:

Interviews with 20 current and former Meta and Google staff say FTC consent decrees sometimes blocked misuse, but the agreements are now outdated and inadequate  —  Google's doomed social network Buzz led US regulators to force Google and Meta to monitor their own data use.

Source: TechMeme
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