National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Amazon sues an "international fraud organization" for allegedly stealing millions of dollars in merchandise from the company through a serie

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2023-12-08 13:21:44

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Spencer Soper / Bloomberg:

Amazon sues an “international fraud organization” for allegedly stealing millions of dollars in merchandise from the company through a series of refund scams  —  - Shoppers took gaming consoles, smartphones, tires and gold  — Scammers live in US, five other countries, according to suit

Spencer Soper / Bloomberg:

Amazon sues an “international fraud organization” for allegedly stealing millions of dollars in merchandise from the company through a series of refund scams  —  - Shoppers took gaming consoles, smartphones, tires and gold  — Scammers live in US, five other countries, according to suit

Source: TechMeme
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