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Tencent reports Q2 revenue up 8% YoY to $22.5B, below est., and a $6.6B net income, above est., after releasing its blockbuster game Dungeon & F

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2024-08-14 15:21:10
Cybersecurity Business

Zheping Huang / Bloomberg:

Tencent reports Q2 revenue up 8% YoY to ~$22.5B, below est., and a ~$6.6B net income, above est., after releasing its blockbuster game Dungeon & Fighter Mobile  —  - China's mobile gamers enthusiastically welcomed ‘DnF Mobile’  — Tencent's cloud and fintech prospects hinge on China economy

Zheping Huang / Bloomberg:

Tencent reports Q2 revenue up 8% YoY to ~$22.5B, below est., and a ~$6.6B net income, above est., after releasing its blockbuster game Dungeon & Fighter Mobile  —  - China's mobile gamers enthusiastically welcomed ‘DnF Mobile’  — Tencent's cloud and fintech prospects hinge on China economy

Source: TechMeme
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