National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Incase partners with Microsoft to sell PC accessories, which Microsoft stopped making in 2022; products will include ones Microsoft designed but never

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2024-01-05 15:59:09
Blue Team (CND)

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Tom Warren / The Verge:

Incase partners with Microsoft to sell PC accessories, which Microsoft stopped making in 2022; products will include ones Microsoft designed but never shipped  —  Microsoft surprised everyone last year by deciding to discontinue its range of popular mice, keyboards, and PC accessories.

Tom Warren / The Verge:

Incase partners with Microsoft to sell PC accessories, which Microsoft stopped making in 2022; products will include ones Microsoft designed but never shipped  —  Microsoft surprised everyone last year by deciding to discontinue its range of popular mice, keyboards, and PC accessories.

Source: TechMeme
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