National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Microsoft says Russia-linked hacking group Midnight Blizzard hacked some employee emails, including those of senior leadership in cybersecurity and le

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2024-01-19 22:20:12
Attacks , Breach

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Dina Bass / Bloomberg:

Microsoft says Russia-linked hacking group Midnight Blizzard hacked some employee emails, including those of senior leadership in cybersecurity and legal  —  The company said it's acting immediately to fix older systems, which will probably cause some disruption.

Dina Bass / Bloomberg:

Microsoft says Russia-linked hacking group Midnight Blizzard hacked some employee emails, including those of senior leadership in cybersecurity and legal  —  The company said it's acting immediately to fix older systems, which will probably cause some disruption.

Source: TechMeme
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