National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Elections and disinfo are colliding like never before in 2024, as social networks reduce protections and state influence campaigns and AI-fueled disin

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2024-01-09 20:04:26
Blue Team (CND)

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New York Times:

Elections and disinfo are colliding like never before in 2024, as social networks reduce protections and state influence campaigns and AI-fueled disinfo ramp up  —  A wave of elections coincides with state influence operations, a surge of extremism, A.I. advances and a pullback in social media protections.

New York Times:

Elections and disinfo are colliding like never before in 2024, as social networks reduce protections and state influence campaigns and AI-fueled disinfo ramp up  —  A wave of elections coincides with state influence operations, a surge of extremism, A.I. advances and a pullback in social media protections.

Source: TechMeme
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Blue Team (CND)

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