National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Filing: the US FTC revives its challenge against Microsoft's $69B acquisition of Activision Blizzard, a move which may seek to unwind the deal af

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2023-09-27 15:51:17
Cybersecurity Business

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Emily Birnbaum / Bloomberg:

Filing: the US FTC revives its challenge against Microsoft's $69B acquisition of Activision Blizzard, a move which may seek to unwind the deal after it closes  —  - FTC administrative hearing won't derail deal from closing  — Companies are likely to win UK regulatory approval for deal

Emily Birnbaum / Bloomberg:

Filing: the US FTC revives its challenge against Microsoft's $69B acquisition of Activision Blizzard, a move which may seek to unwind the deal after it closes  —  - FTC administrative hearing won't derail deal from closing  — Companies are likely to win UK regulatory approval for deal

Source: TechMeme
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