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How Saudi Arabia's investments in gaming is remaking the industry, as it aims for social transformation by being a hub of game development and es

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2023-12-02 07:34:37

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Lewis Gordon / The Verge:

How Saudi Arabia's investments in gaming is remaking the industry, as it aims for social transformation by being a hub of game development and esports  —  With avowed ‘massive gamer’ Mohammed bin Salman at the helm, the kingdom's insatiable appetite and bottomless riches are already remaking the global video game industry.

Lewis Gordon / The Verge:

How Saudi Arabia's investments in gaming is remaking the industry, as it aims for social transformation by being a hub of game development and esports  —  With avowed ‘massive gamer’ Mohammed bin Salman at the helm, the kingdom's insatiable appetite and bottomless riches are already remaking the global video game industry.

Source: TechMeme
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