National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Akamai plans to end its CDN services in China on June 30, 2026, moving clients to an Akamai CDN outside China unless they switch to a local option lik

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2025-01-08 14:36:35
Developers , Blue Team (CND)

Simon Sharwood / The Register:

Akamai plans to end its CDN services in China on June 30, 2026, moving clients to an Akamai CDN outside China unless they switch to a local option like Tencent  —  Akamai has decided to end its content delivery network services in China, but not because it's finding it hard to do business in the Middle Kingdom.

Simon Sharwood / The Register:

Akamai plans to end its CDN services in China on June 30, 2026, moving clients to an Akamai CDN outside China unless they switch to a local option like Tencent  —  Akamai has decided to end its content delivery network services in China, but not because it's finding it hard to do business in the Middle Kingdom.

Source: TechMeme
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