National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Oxford Internet Institute study of 2M+ people's internet use: no "smoking gun" for widespread mental health harms, opposing the idea th

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2023-11-28 17:37:12
IoT / SCADA / ICS / DCS , Blue Team (CND) , Policy / Governance

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Tim Bradshaw / Financial Times:

Oxford Internet Institute study of 2M+ people's internet use: no “smoking gun” for widespread mental health harms, opposing the idea that some are more at risk  —  No evidence to support ‘popular ideas that certain groups are more at risk’, according to researchers

Tim Bradshaw / Financial Times:

Oxford Internet Institute study of 2M+ people's internet use: no “smoking gun” for widespread mental health harms, opposing the idea that some are more at risk  —  No evidence to support ‘popular ideas that certain groups are more at risk’, according to researchers

Source: TechMeme
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