National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Google plans to shorten Maps' default auto-delete history feature from 18 months to three months and let users store Maps Timeline data locally o

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2023-12-12 21:09:21

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Allison Johnson / The Verge:

Google plans to shorten Maps' default auto-delete history feature from 18 months to three months and let users store Maps Timeline data locally on their devices  —  Google Maps has gotten some fun updates recently, and now it's offering some more privacy-forward tweaks as it adds more ways to control your location data.

Allison Johnson / The Verge:

Google plans to shorten Maps' default auto-delete history feature from 18 months to three months and let users store Maps Timeline data locally on their devices  —  Google Maps has gotten some fun updates recently, and now it's offering some more privacy-forward tweaks as it adds more ways to control your location data.

Source: TechMeme
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