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Substack brands itself as avoiding value judgments, but its justification for allowing certain offensive speech is full of value judgments, chosen to

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2023-12-23 01:32:35

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Ken White / The Popehat Report:

Substack brands itself as avoiding value judgments, but its justification for allowing certain offensive speech is full of value judgments, chosen to make money  —  Dealing With Nazis, Or Not, Can Be A Brand.  Substack's Monetizing It.  —  Substack has Nazis, because of course it does.

Ken White / The Popehat Report:

Substack brands itself as avoiding value judgments, but its justification for allowing certain offensive speech is full of value judgments, chosen to make money  —  Dealing With Nazis, Or Not, Can Be A Brand.  Substack's Monetizing It.  —  Substack has Nazis, because of course it does.

Source: TechMeme
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