National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF) Forums

Passwords are giving way to better security methods until those are hacked too, that is

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2024-11-24 13:02:15
Blue Team (CND) , Breach

It’s a war that will never end. But for small-business owners, it’s all about managing risk while reaping rewards

We humans are simply too dumb to use passwords. A recent study from password manager NordPass found that “secret” was the most commonly used password in 2024. That was followed by “123456” and “password”. So let’s all give praise that the password is dying.

Yes, we know that we should be using 20-letter passwords with weird symbols and numbers, but our minds can’t cope. We use the same password for many accounts, be it for a newsletter subscription or our life savings. We all have too many passwords. So we opt for the easiest to remember – and steal.

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Passwords are giving way to better security methods – until those are hacked too, that is

It’s a war that will never end. But for small-business owners, it’s all about managing risk while reaping rewards

We humans are simply too dumb to use passwords. A recent study from password manager NordPass found that “secret” was the most commonly used password in 2024. That was followed by “123456” and “password”. So let’s all give praise that the password is dying.

Yes, we know that we should be using 20-letter passwords with weird symbols and numbers, but our minds can’t cope. We use the same password for many accounts, be it for a newsletter subscription or our life savings. We all have too many passwords. So we opt for the easiest to remember – and steal.

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US small business
Data and computer security
US news
Sun, 24 Nov 2024 13:00:12 GMT

Photograph: Kilito Chan/Getty Images

Photograph: Kilito Chan/Getty Images

Gene Marks

Source: Guardian
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Blue Team (CND)

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