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Florida passes one of the US' most restrictive bills on minors' social media use, despite First Amendment concerns; Governor Ron DeSantis ha

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2024-02-23 18:22:07
Policy / Governance

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Brendan Farrington / Associated Press:

Florida passes one of the US' most restrictive bills on minors' social media use, despite First Amendment concerns; Governor Ron DeSantis has to sign the bill  —  A bill to create one of the nation's most restrictive bans on minors' use of social media is heading to Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis …

Brendan Farrington / Associated Press:

Florida passes one of the US' most restrictive bills on minors' social media use, despite First Amendment concerns; Governor Ron DeSantis has to sign the bill  —  A bill to create one of the nation's most restrictive bans on minors' use of social media is heading to Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis …

Source: TechMeme
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