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How the semiconductor industry can reach 1T transistor GPUs, which will be needed within a decade if the AI revolution continues at its current pace (

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2024-03-29 14:28:12

IEEE Spectrum:

How the semiconductor industry can reach 1T transistor GPUs, which will be needed within a decade if the AI revolution continues at its current pace  —  Advances in semiconductors are feeding the AI boom  —  In 1997 the IBM Deep Blue supercomputer defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov.

IEEE Spectrum:

How the semiconductor industry can reach 1T transistor GPUs, which will be needed within a decade if the AI revolution continues at its current pace  —  Advances in semiconductors are feeding the AI boom  —  In 1997 the IBM Deep Blue supercomputer defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov.

Source: TechMeme
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