National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Second Interdisciplinary Workshop on Reimagining Democracy

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2024-01-08 19:11:28
Blue Team (CND)

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Last month, I convened the Second Interdisciplinary Workshop on Reimagining Democracy (IWORD 2023) at the Harvard Kennedy School Ash Center. As with IWORD 2022, the goal was to bring together a diverse set of thinkers and practitioners to talk about how democracy might be reimagined for the twenty-first century.

My thinking is very broad here. Modern democracy was invented in the mid-eighteenth century, using mid-eighteenth-century technology. Were democracy to be invented from scratch today, with today’s technologies, it would look very different. Representation would look different. Adjudication would look different. Resource allocation and reallocation would look different. Everything would look different, because we would have much more powerful technology to build on and no legacy systems to worry about...

The post Second Interdisciplinary Workshop on Reimagining Democracy appeared first on Security Boulevard.

Bruce Schneier

Source: Security Boulevard
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