National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

US bitcoin miners, including Riot Platforms, leveraged BTC's recent price surge to raise $3.7B+ from investors since November, and used the funds

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2025-01-07 07:35:28
Cybersecurity Business

Niamh Rowe / Financial Times:

US bitcoin miners, including Riot Platforms, leveraged BTC's recent price surge to raise $3.7B+ from investors since November, and used the funds to buy coins  —  US-listed groups tap investors for cash as competition for resources intensifies  —  US bitcoin miners are accumulating war chests …

Niamh Rowe / Financial Times:

US bitcoin miners, including Riot Platforms, leveraged BTC's recent price surge to raise $3.7B+ from investors since November, and used the funds to buy coins  —  US-listed groups tap investors for cash as competition for resources intensifies  —  US bitcoin miners are accumulating war chests …

Source: TechMeme
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