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Franco-Italian chip company STMicro reports Q1 revenue down 18% YoY to $3.47B, below $3.63B est., and expects Q2 sales down 26% YoY to $3.2B, below $3

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2024-04-25 09:18:05
Cybersecurity Business

Jillian Deutsch / Bloomberg:

Franco-Italian chip company STMicro reports Q1 revenue down 18% YoY to $3.47B, below $3.63B est., and expects Q2 sales down 26% YoY to $3.2B, below $3.79B est.  —  - Chipmaker says slower automotive demand hurt recent sales  — Full-year forecast lowered to $14 billion to $15 billion

Jillian Deutsch / Bloomberg:

Franco-Italian chip company STMicro reports Q1 revenue down 18% YoY to $3.47B, below $3.63B est., and expects Q2 sales down 26% YoY to $3.2B, below $3.79B est.  —  - Chipmaker says slower automotive demand hurt recent sales  — Full-year forecast lowered to $14 billion to $15 billion

Source: TechMeme
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