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Stay a Step Ahead of your #1 Downtime Threat - Business Email Compromise

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2023-10-09 09:05:28
Blue Team (CND)

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A new report from Secureworks has found that business email compromise (BEC) remains “one of the most financially damaging online crimes overall for orgs” in 2023. The security firm’s 2023 State of the Threat report says BEC “exceeds even ransomware in aggregate, mainly because it is so prolific, even if individual financial losses from BEC may be lower than individual losses from ransomware.”

The researchers explain, “Threat actors use a range of techniques including mass phishing campaigns to steal credentials which are then used to access the victim email account. Once they have access, they often monitor the activity of the email account, identifying email chains with vendors and suppliers in which they can insert themselves. 

After the attacker has successfully initiated communication with the victim, they provide modified legitimate financial documents or payment instructions for the victim to send money to the attacker-controlled accounts. Attackers may also spoof victim organizations to request payment without first compromising a victim's email account.”

Teaching employees to follow security best practices, including using multifactor authentication (MFA), can help prevent targeted social engineering attacks.

A new report from Secureworks has found that business email compromise (BEC) remains “one of the most financially damaging online crimes overall for orgs” in 2023. The security firm’s 2023 State of the Threat report says BEC “exceeds even ransomware in aggregate, mainly because it is so prolific, even if individual financial losses from BEC may be lower than individual losses from ransomware.”

The researchers explain, “Threat actors use a range of techniques including mass phishing campaigns to steal credentials which are then used to access the victim email account. Once they have access, they often monitor the activity of the email account, identifying email chains with vendors and suppliers in which they can insert themselves. 

After the attacker has successfully initiated communication with the victim, they provide modified legitimate financial documents or payment instructions for the victim to send money to the attacker-controlled accounts. Attackers may also spoof victim organizations to request payment without first compromising a victim's email account.”

Teaching employees to follow security best practices, including using multifactor authentication (MFA), can help prevent targeted social engineering attacks.

Source: KnowBe4
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Blue Team (CND)

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