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The US pushes for global AI regulations at UN, with a draft resolution calling for "effective safeguards"; the push contrasts with the lack

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2024-03-14 21:43:07
Policy / Governance

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Augusta Saraiva / Bloomberg:

The US pushes for global AI regulations at UN, with a draft resolution calling for “effective safeguards”; the push contrasts with the lack of US regulations  —  - A draft resolution urges ‘responsible and inclusive’ AI  — Push at the UN contrasts with the lack of US regulations

Augusta Saraiva / Bloomberg:

The US pushes for global AI regulations at UN, with a draft resolution calling for “effective safeguards”; the push contrasts with the lack of US regulations  —  - A draft resolution urges ‘responsible and inclusive’ AI  — Push at the UN contrasts with the lack of US regulations

Source: TechMeme
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Policy / Governance

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