National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Harvard spinout QuEra, a quantum computing startup, plans to release an error-corrected quantum computer with 10,000 physical and 100 logical qubits b

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2024-01-11 06:25:12
Developers , Blue Team (CND) , Shooting the breeze / off-topic

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John Timmer / Ars Technica:

Harvard spinout QuEra, a quantum computing startup, plans to release an error-corrected quantum computer with 10,000 physical and 100 logical qubits by 2026  —  Company builds on recent demonstration of error-tracking in similar hardware.  —  On Tuesday, the quantum computing startup Quera laid …

John Timmer / Ars Technica:

Harvard spinout QuEra, a quantum computing startup, plans to release an error-corrected quantum computer with 10,000 physical and 100 logical qubits by 2026  —  Company builds on recent demonstration of error-tracking in similar hardware.  —  On Tuesday, the quantum computing startup Quera laid …

Source: TechMeme
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