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Antenna: 25% of subscribers to US streaming video services, or 29M+ users, canceled 3+ of them in the past 2 years, as they increasingly jump between

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2024-04-21 21:57:42
General News

John Koblin / New York Times:

Antenna: ~25% of subscribers to US streaming video services, or 29M+ users, canceled 3+ of them in the past 2 years, as they increasingly jump between services  —  Many more people are jumping from one streaming subscription to another, a behavior that could have big implications for the entertainment industry.

John Koblin / New York Times:

Antenna: ~25% of subscribers to US streaming video services, or 29M+ users, canceled 3+ of them in the past 2 years, as they increasingly jump between services  —  Many more people are jumping from one streaming subscription to another, a behavior that could have big implications for the entertainment industry.

Source: TechMeme
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