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Sony notifies 6,791 US individuals, including current and former employees and their family members, that a MOVEit Transfer data breach on May 28 affe

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2023-10-06 05:22:55

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Bill Toulas / BleepingComputer:

Sony notifies 6,791 US individuals, including current and former employees and their family members, that a MOVEit Transfer data breach on May 28 affected them  —  Sony Interactive Entertainment (Sony) has notified current and former employees and their family members about a cybersecurity breach that exposed personal information.

Bill Toulas / BleepingComputer:

Sony notifies 6,791 US individuals, including current and former employees and their family members, that a MOVEit Transfer data breach on May 28 affected them  —  Sony Interactive Entertainment (Sony) has notified current and former employees and their family members about a cybersecurity breach that exposed personal information.

Source: TechMeme
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