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Microsoft is holding a Windows and Surface AI event on May 20; sources: the event will include the consumer versions of Surface Pro 10 and Surface Lap

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2024-03-18 17:49:44
Developers , General News , Shooting the breeze / off-topic

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The Verge:

Microsoft is holding a Windows and Surface AI event on May 20; sources: the event will include the consumer versions of Surface Pro 10 and Surface Laptop 6  —  Microsoft is holding an AI event in the morning on Monday, May 20th — right before Build 2024 starts.

The Verge:

Microsoft is holding a Windows and Surface AI event on May 20; sources: the event will include the consumer versions of Surface Pro 10 and Surface Laptop 6  —  Microsoft is holding an AI event in the morning on Monday, May 20th — right before Build 2024 starts.

Source: TechMeme
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