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Intel shares Microsoft's "AI PC" requirements, such as including a Copilot key, and expands its AI PC acceleration program to help devs

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2024-03-26 23:21:10

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Paul Alcorn / Tom's Hardware:

Intel shares Microsoft's “AI PC” requirements, such as including a Copilot key, and expands its AI PC acceleration program to help devs and hardware vendors  —  Meteor Lake dev kits use Asus NUCs optimized for AI development work.  —  Intel announced two new extensions …

Paul Alcorn / Tom's Hardware:

Intel shares Microsoft's “AI PC” requirements, such as including a Copilot key, and expands its AI PC acceleration program to help devs and hardware vendors  —  Meteor Lake dev kits use Asus NUCs optimized for AI development work.  —  Intel announced two new extensions …

Source: TechMeme
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