National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Meta says cross-app chatting between Messenger and Instagram will be discontinued in "mid-December 2023", after announcing the feature in Se

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2023-12-05 03:05:40

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Kyle Bradshaw / 9to5Google:

Meta says cross-app chatting between Messenger and Instagram will be discontinued in “mid-December 2023”, after announcing the feature in September 2020  —  Meta is beginning the process of disconnecting the ability to have “cross-app chats” with your Instagram contacts via Facebook Messenger and vice-versa.

Kyle Bradshaw / 9to5Google:

Meta says cross-app chatting between Messenger and Instagram will be discontinued in “mid-December 2023”, after announcing the feature in September 2020  —  Meta is beginning the process of disconnecting the ability to have “cross-app chats” with your Instagram contacts via Facebook Messenger and vice-versa.

Source: TechMeme
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