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In a research paper, Google Research details how AI helped to provide accurate flood forecasting in over 80 countries up to seven days in advance of t

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2024-03-21 08:06:13
Blue Team (CND)

Yossi Matias / The Keyword:

In a research paper, Google Research details how AI helped to provide accurate flood forecasting in over 80 countries up to seven days in advance of the flood  —  A paper published in Nature today shows how Google Research uses AI to accurately predict riverine flooding and help protect livelihoods …

Yossi Matias / The Keyword:

In a research paper, Google Research details how AI helped to provide accurate flood forecasting in over 80 countries up to seven days in advance of the flood  —  A paper published in Nature today shows how Google Research uses AI to accurately predict riverine flooding and help protect livelihoods …

Source: TechMeme
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Blue Team (CND)

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