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Salt Security researchers detail how now-patched critical API flaws in the social and the OAuth login implementations affected Vidio, Grammarly, and B

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2023-10-25 04:41:19
Blue Team (CND)

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Deeba Ahmed / Hackread:

Salt Security researchers detail how now-patched critical API flaws in the social and the OAuth login implementations affected Vidio, Grammarly, and Bukalapak  —  The critical API security flaws in the social sign-in and OAuth (Open Authentication) implementations affected high-profile companies like Vidio, Grammarly, and Bukalapak.

Deeba Ahmed / Hackread:

Salt Security researchers detail how now-patched critical API flaws in the social and the OAuth login implementations affected Vidio, Grammarly, and Bukalapak  —  The critical API security flaws in the social sign-in and OAuth (Open Authentication) implementations affected high-profile companies like Vidio, Grammarly, and Bukalapak.

Source: TechMeme
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Blue Team (CND)

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