During World War II, a group of brilliant minds led by Alan Turing gathered at Bletchley Park in England to crack the German Enigma code. This wasn't just a technological challenge, it was a race against time that required diverse skills, innovative thinking, and collaboration. The success at Bletchley Park didn't come from a single genius or a magic machine, but from a collective effort that brought together linguists, mathematicians, chess players, and even crossword enthusiasts.
During World War II, a group of brilliant minds led by Alan Turing gathered at Bletchley Park in England to crack the German Enigma code. This wasn't just a technological challenge, it was a race against time that required diverse skills, innovative thinking, and collaboration. The success at Bletchley Park didn't come from a single genius or a magic machine, but from a collective effort that brought together linguists, mathematicians, chess players, and even crossword enthusiasts.
Source: KnowBe4
Source Link: https://blog.knowbe4.com/what-bletchley-park-teach-building-strong-security-culture