National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Nielsen: Peacock's exclusive stream of the NFL AFC Wild Card game was the "most-streamed event in US history", with 27.6M total viewers

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2024-01-15 04:30:17
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Richard Lawler / The Verge:

Nielsen: Peacock's exclusive stream of the NFL AFC Wild Card game was the “most-streamed event in US history”, with 27.6M total viewers and a 24.6M peak average  —  The streams we were watching mostly held up, if you saw the game, how was the experience for you?

Richard Lawler / The Verge:

Nielsen: Peacock's exclusive stream of the NFL AFC Wild Card game was the “most-streamed event in US history”, with 27.6M total viewers and a 24.6M peak average  —  The streams we were watching mostly held up, if you saw the game, how was the experience for you?

Source: TechMeme
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