National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Backpack Exchange, an exchange founded by former FTX and Alameda employees, acquires FTX EU and takes responsibility for distributing FTX bankruptcy c

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2025-01-07 15:51:33
Cybersecurity Business , Crypto Currency

Adam James / The Block:

Backpack Exchange, an exchange founded by former FTX and Alameda employees, acquires FTX EU and takes responsibility for distributing FTX bankruptcy claims  —  - FTX EU has been acquired by Backpack Exchange following regulatory and legal approval.  — Backpack EU will take responsibility …

Adam James / The Block:

Backpack Exchange, an exchange founded by former FTX and Alameda employees, acquires FTX EU and takes responsibility for distributing FTX bankruptcy claims  —  - FTX EU has been acquired by Backpack Exchange following regulatory and legal approval.  — Backpack EU will take responsibility …

Source: TechMeme
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