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How author Steven Johnson, now a Google employee for over a year, helped create NotebookLM, which lets writers extract key themes from their research

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2023-12-08 17:02:32
Blue Team (CND) , General News

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Steven Levy / Wired:

How author Steven Johnson, now a Google employee for over a year, helped create NotebookLM, which lets writers extract key themes from their research material  —  Author Steven Johnson helped Google create an app that can analyze a writer's research material and help them extract and explore the key themes.

Steven Levy / Wired:

How author Steven Johnson, now a Google employee for over a year, helped create NotebookLM, which lets writers extract key themes from their research material  —  Author Steven Johnson helped Google create an app that can analyze a writer's research material and help them extract and explore the key themes.

Source: TechMeme
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