National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Silicon Valley Defense Group: the US federal government spent $22B on tech from the top 100 national security startups, a paltry sum and far below VC

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2024-07-11 11:33:50
Cybersecurity Business

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Heather Somerville / Wall Street Journal:

Silicon Valley Defense Group: the US federal government spent $22B on tech from the top 100 national security startups, a paltry sum and far below VC investment  —  Total amount of awards received by country's top national security startups less than half of what venture capitalists have invested

Heather Somerville / Wall Street Journal:

Silicon Valley Defense Group: the US federal government spent $22B on tech from the top 100 national security startups, a paltry sum and far below VC investment  —  Total amount of awards received by country's top national security startups less than half of what venture capitalists have invested

Source: TechMeme
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