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DroneUp unveils an autonomous drone "ecosystem" for last-mile deliveries, with Walmart, 7-Eleven, and Chick-fil-A the first retailers to pil

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2024-03-27 03:53:13

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Joann Muller / Axios:

DroneUp unveils an autonomous drone “ecosystem” for last-mile deliveries, with Walmart, 7-Eleven, and Chick-fil-A the first retailers to pilot the system  —  - It includes an automated, climate-controlled storage locker called DBX where drones can pick up and drop off packages.

Joann Muller / Axios:

DroneUp unveils an autonomous drone “ecosystem” for last-mile deliveries, with Walmart, 7-Eleven, and Chick-fil-A the first retailers to pilot the system  —  - It includes an automated, climate-controlled storage locker called DBX where drones can pick up and drop off packages.

Source: TechMeme
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