National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Meta sues the FTC, claiming its in-house trials violate the Constitution, and asks a court to halt the agency's bid to change a $5B privacy settl

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2023-11-30 16:56:13
Privacy , Developers

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Meta sues the FTC, claiming its in-house trials violate the Constitution, and asks a court to halt the agency's bid to change a $5B privacy settlement in 2020  —  - Suit says agency proceedings violate constitutional rights  — FTC sought to amend privacy pact over alleged broken promises


Meta sues the FTC, claiming its in-house trials violate the Constitution, and asks a court to halt the agency's bid to change a $5B privacy settlement in 2020  —  - Suit says agency proceedings violate constitutional rights  — FTC sought to amend privacy pact over alleged broken promises

Source: TechMeme
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