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Solana memecoin SLERF raised $10M in a presale, hitting $1.7B in trading volume, but the developer claims to have "burned" tokens set aside

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2024-03-19 10:41:36
Developers , Cybersecurity Business

Shaurya Malwa / CoinDesk:

Solana memecoin SLERF raised $10M in a presale, hitting $1.7B in trading volume, but the developer claims to have “burned” tokens set aside for an airdrop  —  “This is not a joke I really f****d up and im really sorry.  Was a simple mindless misclick when I was in the process of burning the the lp," the developer said

Shaurya Malwa / CoinDesk:

Solana memecoin SLERF raised $10M in a presale, hitting $1.7B in trading volume, but the developer claims to have “burned” tokens set aside for an airdrop  —  “This is not a joke I really f****d up and im really sorry.  Was a simple mindless misclick when I was in the process of burning the the lp," the developer said

Source: TechMeme
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