National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Two Republican US House Committee chairs call for an intelligence assessment of Microsoft's deal with Abu Dhabi's G42, including a focus on

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2024-07-11 16:06:07
Developers , Cybersecurity Business , Policy / Governance

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Mackenzie Hawkins / Bloomberg:

Two Republican US House Committee chairs call for an intelligence assessment of Microsoft's deal with Abu Dhabi's G42, including a focus on G42's China ties  —  - Officials concerned that China could access sensitive US tech  — Lawmakers have had ‘productive’ conversations with Microsoft

Mackenzie Hawkins / Bloomberg:

Two Republican US House Committee chairs call for an intelligence assessment of Microsoft's deal with Abu Dhabi's G42, including a focus on G42's China ties  —  - Officials concerned that China could access sensitive US tech  — Lawmakers have had ‘productive’ conversations with Microsoft

Source: TechMeme
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