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How an Uber Eats worker created UberCheats, a web app that computed the actual distance a courier traveled, after suspecting algorithmic error and und

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2024-03-17 09:11:35
Blue Team (CND)

Madhumita Murgia / Financial Times:

How an Uber Eats worker created UberCheats, a web app that computed the actual distance a courier traveled, after suspecting algorithmic error and underpayment  —  A tech-savvy Uber Eats worker was sick of the algorithms that controlled his day.  So he decided to fight back

Madhumita Murgia / Financial Times:

How an Uber Eats worker created UberCheats, a web app that computed the actual distance a courier traveled, after suspecting algorithmic error and underpayment  —  A tech-savvy Uber Eats worker was sick of the algorithms that controlled his day.  So he decided to fight back

Source: TechMeme
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Blue Team (CND)

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